
15 Computing Dr., COM2 #01-02
Singapore 117418

Contact Information

Yihong Lan

Ph.D. Graduate (2022)
Director, Suntar International Group

NUS School of Computing


Yihong received his PhD in Information Systems and Analytics from the National University of Singapore in 2022. He used to work long hours for a bank in his past life before trading it for long hours in academia. Yihong’s research focuses on the digitization of surveillance technologies and how they might impact user privacy. He hopes to raise more awareness on just how fundamentally important privacy is to everyone through his research. He is warily anticipating how the latest iOS privacy protections might shift the odds in our favor.

Yihong enjoys cooking, eating and the occasional beer.

Research Interests

  • Surveillance technologies
  • Privacy


  • Post-COVID-19 Multimodal Online Assessment

Ph.D. Dissertation

Tradeoffs in Surveillance and Privacy Technologies

  1. 2022

    Ph.D. (Information Systems and Analytics)

    National University of Singapore (Singapore)
  2. 2010

    BSE Industrial and Operations Engineering

    University of Michigan

Professional Experience

  1. 2015-present
    Suntar Internatoinal Group