Best Conference Paper Award (2nd Runner Up) at ICIS 2024

My PhD student Junyi Li and collaborator Giri Kumar Tayi entitled “Meta-Organizational Learning Through Digital Consensus” got the ICIS 2023 Best Complete Paper Award, in Honor of TP Liang (2nd Runner Up). We got an email from about this during ICIS 2023 but we weren’t sure if this was some elaborate scam as Trend Micro was warning us that wasn’t tested […]

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Image courtesy of Tschneidr

Predicting consumer choices from eye tracking data

This morning we had a fascinating talk by Alex Tuzhilin (NYU) on his recent work entitled “Predicting Consumer Choice from Raw Eye-Movement Data Using the RETINA Deep Learning Architecture” (the paper is available on SSRN: with his colleagues Moshe Unger (Tel Aviv University) and Michel Wedel (University of Maryland). The essence of his talk […]

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Aug 22 Lab Dinner

A new academic year; welcome new members!

It seems that we’re finally (but not quite fully) getting out of COVID. With the NUS returning to full in-person mode with the new academic year, it’s great to see the hustle and bustle of the campus. This semester our lab welcomes 3 new members — Jun Hao, Zi and Yifei. All three are undergraduate […]

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Thanks goodness for Java chip add-ons

I’ve been a Gold-card carrying loyal customer of Starbucks ever since they started the Starbucks reward. Recently I got a message from Starbucks saying that my stars will expire soon with 12/11/2021. December 11 — that gives me about a month. OK cool! I have sufficient time to redeem all my free drinks — about […]

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