
11 Research Link, #COM3-02-65 Singapore 119391

Junyi Li

PhD Student

NUS School of Computing

Research Interest

I mainly write theoretical papers examining how digital organizing can be rationally designed, in dealing with complexity in information systems. My studies consist of three connected streams.

  • Decentralized Organizational Design with Blockchain Technology (i.e., Regime)
  • Managing Wisdom of Crowds in Crowd-Based Innovation (i.e., Human Component)
  • Managing Wisdom of AI in Organizational Rationality (i.e., Machine Component)


Computational Modeling, Econometrics

Conference Papers

Li, J., Zhou, J., and Hahn, J. (2024). Faceted Search and Crowd-based Innovation. Accepted for Presentation at the AOM Annual Meeting in Chicago.

Li, J., Hahn, J., and Tayi, G. K. (2023). Meta-Organizational Learning Through Digital Consensus. International Conference of Information Systems Proceedings, Hyderabad, India. Available at:

Li, J., Zhou, J., and Hahn, J. (2023). Solving Problem with Generalists and Specialists: An Agent-based Simulation Model. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023(1), 13364.

  1. 2020-Present

    Ph.D. student in Information Systems

    National University of Singapore
  2. 2018-2020

    Master of Management

    Harbin Institute of Technology
  3. 2014-2018

    Bachelor of Chemistry, Bachelor of Management

    Harbin Institute of Technology

Awards and Honors

  • 2024
    Research Achievement Award
    National University of Singapore
  • 2023
    Best Conference Paper Award (2nd Runner Up)
    International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS 2023)
  • 2020
    PhD Fellowship
    National University of Singapore
  • 2018
    National Graduate Scholarship
    Harbin Institute of Technology
  • 2018
    Outstanding Graduate Award
    Harbin Institute of Technology
  • 2017
    Merit Student Award
    Harbin Institute of Technology